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Southwest Association of Student Assistance Programs

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The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for receiving nominations for the officers of the SWASAP Executive Board. For 2023, we are currently seeking candidacy for President-Elect and Secretary. Interested members of the association must satisfy the criteria as described below:


The President-Elect shall: 

I. Should have attended SWASAP conference as a member in good standing for at least three years.

II. Should have served as a member of the SWASAP Board for at least one year.

III. Shall have secured letter of support from his/her program director and from institutional administration.

IV. Should have served previously as an officer on his/her state board.


The Secretary shall: 

I. Keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board.

II. Give all notices in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law.

III. Be a custodian of the Association's records and of the seal of the Association.

IV. Perform other duties assigned by the President or the Board.

Individuals who seek to submit their candidacy for one of the aforementioned offices must submit the following items:

•         2023 SWASAP Nominations Form
•         Current Resume
•         Letter of Support from Director and the host institution's administration

All documents must be submitted to Elizabeth Gordon at by October 20, 2023. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nominations and Elections Co-Chairs. We look forward to hosting a spirited election this year.

Kind Regards,

Elizabeth Gordon 

Pam Freer 

2023 Nominations and Elections Committee Co-Cochairs 
Southwest Association of Student Assistance Programs

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